Since ancient times, people have worshipped the regal Dachshund, so it's no wonder that eventually a food was created that
paid tribute to the stately dog's unique form. Now the trend has come full circle, with creative forces attempting to transform
themselves and others into the lowly hot dog, which pays tribute to the wiener dog. You don't have to wait for an announcement
in your mailbox to realize that...
Babies dress up like wieners. Adults dress up like wieners. Dogs dress up like wieners. The whole world seems to be caught
up in a frenzy of
It's never too early to aspire to be a wiener.
Of course, little baby wieners always turn into big wieners, if properly nurtured.
Even a scruffy beast looks better when he's a wiener.
These dogs think that if you don't look too closely, they can pass for wieners.
The pug is missing the distinctive snout of the pure-bred wiener, but he's willing to give it a try in the hopes of being
in the exalted company of wieners.
Some like mustard, some like ketchup, and some like their wieners with nothing at all.
Putting a bun on this wiener made him so hot he's panting.
Wieners are always happy to expose themselves to literature.
Is there anything cuter than a little wiener waiting to be eaten?
...unless it's this adorable wiener...
...or this tiny guy.
Some men are accused of thinking with their little head instead of their big head. This man solves the problem by wearing
his big wiener on his big head.